Sunday, July 22, 2007


It's a rare thing when we actually go to the movies. We usually wait for what we want to see to come out on DVD and we buy it. If we buy it then we can watch it over when we so choose. This past month though we have been to the movies twice. Wow, and there is a third coming that I would like to go see, or at least I think so.

When it first came out we went to see the new Die Hard movie with Bruce Willis. That man does such an awesome job on his movies. I have two copies of the first three movies. I had the regular copy and then they came out with the extended version in a set and I just had to buy them when my son pointed them out on a trip to Costco. Worth every bit of the money I spent for them.

Now we have seen the new Transformers movie. Oh so action packed. When my kids were little the Transformers cartoon was such a bit hit around here. The kids would run home from the bus stop just to get here in time to watch those cartoons. Well, naturally mom had to sit and watch them with the kids. You know I just had to make sure I was moderating what they were watching. Then there were a few times when I moderated those transformer cartoons when the kids were not home. They were a bit addicting.

I still don't mind sitting and watching an occasional rerun of them. Some day I am going to get the entire set of transformer cartoons on DVD for the kids now getting big enough to enjoy them when they come to grandmas house. It's funny but my grands are into the older cartoons rather then many of the newer ones. I give them a bit of a choice and lately that choice has been He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. I tend to pick up cartoons, when I can, that have less of that nasty stuff that the current cartoons have. Boy some of those I would never have let my children watch and some I refuse to let my grands watch in this house.

Saturday, July 21, 2007


I am so excited. My hubby gave me two roses today. Not just any roses, but Mr. Lincoln roses. This is the best thing, you see these roses came from a plant in the yard.

There is a story behind the roses. I love roses. So my hubby has planted me many rose bushes. I have large roses, climbing roses, miniature roses, some with great smells, some with just a wonderful color. I love them all, the long stemmed, the ones that grow in bunches and all the others.

Many years ago he planted me a Mr. Lincoln because it is a very beautiful red and the smell, oh the smell is so wonderful. My Mr. Lincoln died. So he planted me another in a different place. He suspected that the soil in the first area was not right for Mr. Lincoln. This Mr. Lincoln died.

We waited many years and he got me another Mr. Lincoln and decided to pot it. He got special soil and took extra special care of it. Mr. Lincoln died.

We gave up on me ever having a Mr. Lincoln survive. Then last year he tried again. He again planted Mr. Lincoln in a pot, but Mr. Lincoln wasn't doing so well. We figured he was going to die again. I hate that we seem to put Mr. Lincoln through this time and time again.

He finally moved the pot to a different place and put it closer to his bonsai. Mr. Lincoln must have been lonely for the call of something that is growing as a bonsai because suddenly he is doing better and is blooming. Oh his roses are the best. Keep your fingers crossed for me that this time my Mr. Lincoln can live a nice long life in his pot out by the bonsai plants.

Moved from Loom knitting


Your Hair Should Be White

Classy, stylish, and eloquent.
You've got a way about you that floors everyone you meet.

Well, well, well, guess what my hair color is? I have a silver white hair with bits of dark scattered underneath.

Moved from Loom knitting


Graduation, Wedding, BBQ, and crafting

My time has been so limited with things going on that I have rarely touched a loom, crochet hook, or knitting needle. I have so many things in the works, like the looms I am building for braiding, the ripple pattern I am writing, and bunches of other things, but not enough time to do them all.

Now a little time has freed itself up. My son who has been attending his last two classes at the local community college is done. Yes done. Yesterday he graduated, with honors, and now he will start to make plans for the near future. The long term is to go to a university somewhere, but for now I think he wants a break.

The thing about his schooling is that we have one car. I need that car. So it has been drive him to school, pick him up from school. This doesn't sound so hard, but with only two classes that leaves me running quickly from here to there back to here to there, and back to here to there again. Lots of time spent driving means lots of time not doing other things. Yea, this is done.

One more week to go and the wedding day will be here, well less then a week now as the wedding is next week. My daughter will then be a new wife and that wedding with all the plans and stuff for it will be over. One more thing down and out of the way. Boy, things can get pretty busy with stuff like this happening in life.

Yesterday, I managed to get most of the morning to myself to work on the ripple file. I have decided to split the two patterns, the top down and bottom up ones, into to files. The reason being is that the first file is getting large and I don't want it to be too big for people to download.

Today was to be a day of working on those files only. Yea right. Did you know that today is fathers day? I didn't. Been too busy to notice that is coming up. So the girls decided to have a BBQ here at my house for dad. Oh yea, more work for me. Now I need to do a quick bit of shopping for the things I will need. I am out of briquet's, I have a couple of chickens I just bought but need one more, I have the chairs to move from the front yard to the back, take the children's table (which I just moved to the front room for the kids dinner last night), back to the back yard, plus all their little chairs. Oh yea, all this to do so where is my file time now?

One big mistake I made in my life was letting my kids talk me into a cell phone. They can get a hold of me so much easier. I had ways to avoid the house phone, no mailbox, no answering machine, don't remember to check caller id for missed calls, but that stupid cell phone tells me all the time about the people I missed. It's hard to say, well sorry I didn't know you tried to call. ROFLOL Once you have one of those keep me in the loop every second of the day not let me have a peaceful moment run my entire life cell phones, you are kind of stuck. Well, sometimes they do come in handy, like that being at the store and getting that emergency call that says oh I forgot we are out of milk or bread or whatever. No more extra trips to the corner store because the hubby cannot live without something.

Well off to get things done then maybe, just maybe I can slip in a few minutes to myself. I am so close to having that first file done. It has been such a lot of work trying to figure out what everyone might need to do this piece.

Note: Moved from Loom Knitting


Saturday, July 14, 2007

You Have a Melancholic Temperament

Introspective and reflective, you think about everything and anything.
You are a soft-hearted daydreamer. You long for your ideal life.
You love silence and solitude. Everyday life is usually too chaotic for you.

Given enough time alone, it's easy for you to find inner peace.
You tend to be spiritual, having found your own meaning of life.
Wise and patient, you can help people through difficult times.

At your worst, you brood and sulk. Your negative thoughts can trap you.
You are reserved and withdrawn. This makes it hard to connect to others.
You tend to over think small things, making decisions difficult.